How to Know If You Are Making the Right Decision | YWAM Newcastle

Growing up I always heard people making decisions based on whether or not the choice was ‘God’s will’ for their life. It didn’t take long before this same attitude became ingrained in me in my own decision-making process. But how do you know if a decision is God’s will or not?

Over the years I’ve discovered that it’s actually a lot simpler than I’d always made it out to be. I would stress and worry over whether I was doing the right thing. Should I quit my job? Should I pursue further education? Am I wasting my money by travelling overseas? Is it wise to move to the city? Etcetera, etcetera. The only thing this achieved was a lot of headaches and sleepless nights.

However, I’m discovering that it all comes back to the attitude of my heart.

I personally believe that God sees our hearts, and when we make a choice, truly believing that it is the best He has for us, He blesses us for stepping out in faith, regardless of whether we made the ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ decision. Ultimately He is after our hearts. Yes, there are some choices we make which are far better for us than others, but often I find myself having to decide between two really good things. In these moments I find that God is quite happy with me choosing either direction, as long as I’m still pursuing Him.

I think we can get so caught up trying to invite God into our story, we forget that we are already a part of His.

In every choice we make, we have the opportunity to choose who we are going to worship. Choose Him, and all the rest will go well for you. Jesus wants what is best for you even more than you want to make the ‘right’ decision. If you are asking what His will for your life is, then you’re headed in the right direction. The Psalmist wrote: “The one thing I ask of the Lord— the thing I seek most— is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in his Temple.” (Psalm 27:4).

So, whether it is a new job or a mission trip, choose to delight yourself in God. Trust that He is a good God and will bless you in your choices when your attitude is focussed on getting to know Him more. It’s not always going to be easy, but He is faithful to stand by us. He gives us the support we need in every season. And who knows, perhaps like me, as you run after God, you may just find yourself in the place you least expected you’d end up, and love it.

by Kali Wratten
YWAM Newcastle Communication Staff

3 min read

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