God Uses The Imperfect
Finding direction and living a life of purpose.
What if what you suspected was true? That you were made for something else – for something more. Made to go, to grow, to create and discover. Made to leap into a story far bigger than your own. To run and keep running, to dive in, to love and return made new.
What if you followed that impulse? What would it be like to go beneath the surface of things and discover the greater reality? To discover God. To see where He takes you and who He makes you. To be stretched, challenged, changed and equipped to make a lasting difference in the world.
This is the YWAM journey. And wherever it takes you — into unchartered foreign territories or to the yearning mission fields of home — allow yourself to be transformed and learn to be enriched and emboldened as an ambassador of our loving Christ.
Finding direction and living a life of purpose.
Finding direction and living a life of purpose.
Finding direction and living a life of purpose.
Finding direction and living a life of purpose.
Finding direction and living a life of purpose.
Finding direction and living a life of purpose.
Finding direction and living a life of purpose.
Finding direction and living a life of purpose.
Finding direction and living a life of purpose.
Finding direction and living a life of purpose.